Why we’re into it: Like colonies of bacteria growing inside of a petri dish, the inspirations of Bushwick-based artist/scientist Jessica Johnson are multiplied by the creative energy colonizing around our neighborhood. Jessica was fascinated at an early age by the possibilities and revelations of scientific data while also gaining inspiration from art and media around her.
Jessica recently received a grant to sequence her own genome and create an installation based on the whole experience. Though excited to learn her entire genetic sequence, she knows this research comes with the risk of learning potential health issues. Despite the heavy weight of ethics here, as well as the weight of human history and human existence, the project lends itself to a great collaboration of art and science.
Through her work, Jessica has found that despite their vast differences, art and science are essentially accomplishing the same thing as they appeal to different aspects of the human spirit. Part visual and emotional, and part thoughtful, they can go hand in hand as they communicate with one another. “Being an artist and scientist appeals to my sensibilities and my desire to always explore. I’m learning more about both along the way.”
I find it aesthetically pleasing to see work that is obsessive in its nature yet contains a high level of control, then putting it into a form that the artist finds beautiful.